Freitag, 31. Mai 2024

-Elena Stein, Director of Organizing Strategy at JVP 7 schweigt zum Nazismus der Hamas


As people of conscience, we are at a complete loss. How is this unspeakable cruelty possible? And how is it possible when the whole world is rising up to end it?

But there are answers. This cruelty is made possible because our federal and state government are aiding and abetting this system of violence.

And this cruelty is made possible because our governments hide their complicity, they hide their own financial and imperial interests, behind the moral justification of "we do it in the interest of Jewish safety."

Well I am here representing hundreds of thousands of American Jews to say: Don't you dare. Get our names out of your mouths.

The reason I am alive today is because the day that my entire family was massacred in another genocide — the Holocaust — my grandmother just happened to be absent. That history mandates me to act in the face of genocide.

Don't you dare use our families as the justification for endorsing Israel's horrorshow against the Palestinian people Dont. You. Dare.

-Elena Stein, Director of Organizing Strategy at JVP, at the largest ever rally for Palestinian freedom at the New York State Capitol, where the Capitol steps overflowed with masses calling on our electeds to support the Not On Our Dime! Act.

Also sind eurer Meinung nach nur die jüdischen Israelis schuld. Aber das ist falsch. Hamas versteckt sich hinter Zivilisten; Hamas hat eine antisemitische Vernichtungsideologie verinnerlicht. Und Hamas verherrlicht Adolf Hitler und Nationalsozialismus. Der Holocaust gegen die Juden wurde durch die antifaschistischen Siegermächte des Zweiten Weltkriegs beendet. Hamas und Nazis können nur mit militärischer Kraft besiegt werden. PS: Wer Solidarität mit der Hamas zeigt ist selbst ein Nazi / Gegen jeden Nazismus damit die Juden leben können

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